[This blog post is part of a series written for the Edinburgh Teaching Award (EdTA) to achieve accreditation as a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. ] Due to my activities around using games and playful engagements in workshops, training, and courses at the University, in 2017 I was approached by Melissa Highton, our … Continue reading Developing a playful strategy for ISG
Author: charliesfarley
Geosciences Outreach and Open Educational Resources
[This blog post is part of a series written for the Edinburgh Teaching Award (EdTA) to achieve accreditation as a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. ] One of my first projects with the Open Education service is also one that continues to grow in scope and impact. In 2016 I began working with … Continue reading Geosciences Outreach and Open Educational Resources
On blogs and blogging
As the active season of 23Things for Digital Knowledge starts up again, I’ve been thinking a lot about my own relationship with blogs and blogging as an activity. Writing a solitary diary or journal to my future self never felt truly satisfying. Event …
LILAC Credo Digital Literacy Award
Last night 23 Things for Digital Knowledge was awarded the Credo Digital Literacy Award for LILAC 17. Not going to lie, I’m feeling pretty cool right now. I’m seriously excited to have won this award as it will really help with future projects. ALSO, I get to select a charity to receive £500. I’ve chosen … Continue reading LILAC Credo Digital Literacy Award
EduTalk Radio Interview
Last night I joined John Johnston on his Podcast/Radio programme EduTalk to chat with him about the 23 Things for Digital Knowledge programme I’m running at The University of Edinburgh. I’ve not been interviewed in a professional capacity in this way b…
On the Presentation of 23 Things
When I was asked to put together a 23 Things programme for The University of Edinburgh I couldn’t have been more pleased. You see I’m a joiner, a participant, a signer-up of ‘things’, and particularly online learning.