ESLTIS19 – My 2nd Keynote: Make and Release – Opening up through play

I was honored to be asked to provide a keynote presentation on the second day of this year’s Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship Conference (ESLTIS) conference. Again, the talk wasn’t recorded and slides really only provide a hint towards content, so here’s a blog post covering the key content of my keynote. ——  I … Continue reading ESLTIS19 – My 2nd Keynote: Make and Release – Opening up through play

ESLTIS19 – My 2nd Keynote: Make and Release – Opening up through play

Accessibility, Lecture Recording, and media use

[This blog post is part of a series written for the Edinburgh Teaching Award (EdTA) to achieve accreditation as a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. ] In 2017/18 the Information Services Group (ISG) rolled out a new lecture recording system across The University of Edinburgh. Due to rising concerns from staff around use … Continue reading Accessibility, Lecture Recording, and media use

Accessibility, Lecture Recording, and media use

PTAS research on the effectiveness of playfulness

[This blog post is part of a series written for the Edinburgh Teaching Award (EdTA) to achieve accreditation as a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. ] While the feedback from participants at the OER Board Game Jam workshops confirmed that participants were definitely enjoying the sessions, I wanted to try to measure whether … Continue reading PTAS research on the effectiveness of playfulness

PTAS research on the effectiveness of playfulness