To prove I have officially completed the course, here is my badge!
Author: catkop
Thing 23: Reflection
Were there Things that you particularly enjoyed? This could be a long list as I have enjoyed most of the course, but two things really stand out: Thing 7: Twitter – the Twitter chat was… More
Thing 22: Fun & Play
For this Thing I looked at the Snapchat app. I have used Snapchat before but only a couple of times. It was one of the apps I uninstalled back at Thing 4 because it uses… More
Thing 21: Online Games
Hour of Code I went to the Hour of Code website expecting it to be a single tutorial to work through, so I was surprised to find there are nearly 200 different games to choose… More
Thing 16: OneNote
I haven’t used OneNote before so I watched Microsoft’s Getting Started with OneNote Guide for Teachers (nice interactive video!). I was surprised by how many different things can be added to a notebook. Then I… More
Thing 20: LinkedIn
I have taken the plunge and joined LinkedIn. I’ve been thinking about it for a while after receiving invitations from a couple of groups I was interested in. I haven’t joined before, partly because I’m… More
Thing 19: Altmetrics
I installed the Altmetric bookmarklet in my browser. As I don’t work in research I was a bit stumped as to which paper I should analyse, in the end I decided to look at one… More
Thing 18: Augmented and Virtual Reality
I went to one of the 23 Things drop-in sessions to try out virtual reality. I had a go at the InCell game and was impressed with how well it worked, especially considering there was… More
Thing 17: Geolocation tools
I’ve decided to skip thing 16 (OneNote) for the moment and move on to week 9. I installed the Geocaching app and noticed two geocaches in a local park, so I decided to check them… More
Thing 15: Storify
I hadn’t heard of Storify before, but I was very impressed with Charlie’s Storify for the 23 Things Twitter chat so I decided to have a go. I have created a Storify about my experience… More
Thing 14: Audio
I wasn’t looking forward to this Thing because I’m just not really interested in listening to things. I love reading, and would always read a book or newspaper in preference to listening to music or… More
Thing 13: Video
I’m pleased to say I’m over half-way through the 23 things now and I haven’t given up! (Although I am still running a week behind…) I have chosen to look at Media Hopper for the… More