Who doesn’t love some copyright?! I know I certainly do, and I found two images in the public domain about two things I love: cats, and the Romanovs. Due to my love of copyright, I feel I am quite up to date with the various licences and permissions required for the use and reuse of … Continue reading Thing 11: Copyright
Author: Catherine
Thing 7: Twitter
I have had a twitter account for just over 2 years now. I was against twitter for quite a while. Something about it annoyed me, with people saying words like ‘tweet’ (ugh!) and the platform didn’t make much sense to me. So I put off getting an account until I attended my first conference in … Continue reading Thing 7: Twitter
Thing 5: Diversity
I had a lot of fun making my Bitmoji! I even got my jeans and (mostly) black t-shirt into the mix. I have found Thing 5 a bit tough, no doubt because I am a white, heterosexual female, who because of this has had the luck of never having to think about race in emojis … Continue reading Thing 5: Diversity
Things 3 & 4: Digital Footprint & Security
What ISN’T being accessed by our apps on our phones? I think this is the more pertinent question regarding our digital security and how much we allow applications access to our personal information. My mother especially is someone who will actively not download some apps to her phone because she doesn’t like their permissions. I … Continue reading Things 3 & 4: Digital Footprint & Security
An introduction to 23 Things for Digital Knowledge
It was a colleague at work (the Digital Literacy Project Officer – woo!) who introduced me to this free, online course. One thing you should know about me is that I love online courses (especially if they are free). They are such a great way to increase your knowledge and get some professional development at … Continue reading An introduction to 23 Things for Digital Knowledge