Identity and storytelling

A talk presented as digital storytelling at an LGBT+ history month event in Swansea called “New Wave Queerness and the Academy” with a colleague. This is a work in progress in the sense of how it’s starting to shape my thoughts about identity, the acad…

Identity and storytelling

#23things – Things 7 and 8

I feel like I’ve sort of done most things with Facebook and Twitter, but found I had to admit that I don’t (ever) look at the analytics. It was interesting to look on Twitter at what where ‘top tweets’ and I found myself wondering why that particular o…

#23things – Things 7 and 8

#23things – Things 5 and 6

I found the article (and video) with Professor Sweeney extremely interesting. One thing it’s consolidated for me relates to the ways in which technology designers are diversely represented (or rather are not) in the tech industry; more specifically in …

#23things – Things 5 and 6

#23Things – Things 3 and 4

Before I started these, I hoped I was pretty good at taking care of my digital footprint and digital security. And I was pretty much borne out in that, which is good! In particular, I’ve always been pretty careful with my phone, always had it lock secu…

#23Things – Things 3 and 4

#23Things – Things 1 and 2

Following a really interesting post in the ALT blog, I thought I’d give 23 things a go. I may be a little late (!), but as it’s all self-paced, it’s still a good thing to try out I think. Hoping to learn a little about ed tech ‘things’, but am also int…

#23Things – Things 1 and 2


Following a suggestion by a colleague this week, I decided to create a rough development space for myself where I can think through ideas, and consider how my personal and professional development feeds into ideas and sense-making. All sorts of things …
