Week 1 – Introduction and Blogging

So, this is my first ever blog. Although I do a lot of writing, or rather typing for my job, I’ve never gotten round to writing a blog, or perhaps I’ve just never felt I’d have anything interesting enough to write about. Thankfully, 23things at The University of Edinburgh has caught my attention, so I’m going to blog weekly as and when I get a chance!

23 Things and me

23 things is a fantastic concept. I often find I’m far too busy with work to learn about ‘new things’, and as a father of an extremely energetic and fun 1 year old, most of my time outside of work is spent as ‘family time’, so I rarely learn about new things then! I’m looking forward to spending a small amount of time each week working through the 23 things programme, hopefully learning about lots and lots of new digital tools and resources and gaining new skills which can be used both in and out of the workplace. In this fast moving digital age, it’s crucial we keep up to date with technologies. Often, it’s a case of ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ with the latest craze or new app. I tend to miss lots of these, but that’s probably due to the lengthy ‘blinking’ I do as sleep deprived dad!

Social Media Guidelines

The social media guidelines for staff and researchers is a document I wasn’t actually aware existed until now, if I’m being honest. I kind of knew one would exist somewhere on the University webpages, but it’s not something I’ve ever searched for. Our team have a Twitter feed (@UoEDigiSkills) which we take turns in looking after each month. Since it was launched, we’ve always (as a team) been aware of the type of content we should or shouldn’t be posting or sharing, especially given that its a work account.

Personally, I’ve always just focussed on ensuring I don’t swear or post inappropriate messages, but the guidance covers so much more than just telling you not to swear or post inappropriate images. The document has useful information about disclaimers, accessibility and commercially confidential information – things we’re all probably guilty of overlooking from time to time.

I for one will definitely be saving a copy of this document for future use, and will be applying more of the rules outlined when posting in a work capacity. The other benefit of this guide is that it has made me think about the posts I’ve shared on my own personal social media accounts…not that they’re in anyway inappropriate….honest.

Now, where’s that ‘Remove Post’ option?

Roll on week 2!

Week 1 – Introduction and Blogging