
I never really thought about accessibility on the Internet. The articles I read thanks to the 5th thing of 23 Things made me realize how low the inclusion is in some areas on the internet. People easily face disadvantages because of the low awareness for handicaps. I checked two websites that I use regularly and … Continue reading Accessibility


Diversity (Thing 5)

In my opinion, diversity matters on the Internet as much as in real life. It is important that gender and ethnicities are represented. This is why I believe that the introduction of diversified emojis on social media platforms is valid. The implementation might still be improved but the emojis raise awareness for diversity. Now, more … Continue reading Diversity (Thing 5)

Diversity (Thing 5)

Digital Security

I use my Smartphone on a daily basis. Every morning, I check my Facebook and Instagram profiles and look into Snapchat. I also read some news and write my friends or my family on WhatsApp throughout the day. I try to limit the number of apps that I use because I don’t really need much … Continue reading Digital Security

Digital Security

My Digital Footprint

I am currently reviewing the 23 Things on Digitalization. Reading about thing 3, Digital Footprint, made me wonder how much I am exposed to the Internet myself. I read the document on e-Professionalism and recognized that I have already considered many of these points in my personal use of social media. I value my privacy … Continue reading My Digital Footprint

My Digital Footprint